
libertine novel造句


  1. In 1886, the collection had increased to slightly more than 700, including many cheap reprints of Libertine novels from the Ancien R間ime.
  2. Published in 1747, his novel " La Poup閑 " ( " The Doll " ) tells the story of a sylph who teaches love to " a young priest still virgin and very conceited in which the relations of power and conquest idea played a much smaller role than in other libertine novels of the eighteenth century.
  3. Finally, we credit Beauchamps with : a pamphleteer libertine novel, " l Histoire du prince Apprius ( Priapus ) extraite des fastes du monde, depuis sa cr閍tion, manuscrit persan, trouv?dans la biblioth鑡ue du roi de Perse, traduction fran鏰ise par M . Esprit, gentilhomme proven鏰l, servant dans les troupes de Perse " " ( the Story of prince Apprius, excerpt of the splendours of the world, since its creation, Persian manuscrit, found in the library of the king of the Persian Empire, French translation by Mr Esprit, country gentleman, serving in the Persian army ) ", Constantinople ( i . e . Paris, around 1722 ); la Haye, ( i . e . Lyon ), 1728, in-12.
  4. It's difficult to find libertine novel in a sentence. 用libertine novel造句挺难的


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